System Properties Windows page

TreeView: list of currently running windows
- "Hidden" Checkbox: include/exclude hidden windows from list
- "Child" Checkbox: include/exclude child windows from list
- number next to "Child" Checkbox: number of windows currently displayed in
- "Find" button: display standard Find dialog box, and finds first window
with selected text
- ComboBox next to "Find" button: displays styles/class of currently
selected window in TreeView, if any
- "Print" button, upper left: permits printing of currently selected window
in TreeView, if any CURRENTLY DISABLED
- Icon upper right, below Style ComboBox: main program icon of currently
selected window in TreeView, if any
- Scroll bar below icon (not visible) : permits viewing other icons of main
program icon of currently selected window in TreeView, if any
- Icon LOWER right, below Style ComboBox: CLASS icon of currently selected
window in TreeView, if any
- "Send" button: permits Sending Messages to main program icon of currently
selected window in TreeView, if any, disabled otherwise
- "SendMsg" group box: permits SendMessage method selection for use
with "Send" button
- ComboBox next to "Send" button: permits selection of message to send to
currently selected window in TreeView, if any; NOT ALL MESSAGES IN LIST ARE
- wParam ComboBox: (editable) permits entering or selection of wParam in
message to send; depends on message selected, may be disabled if not supported
by message
- lParam EditBox: permits entering of lParam in message to send; depends on
message selected, may be disabled if not supported by message
- "HWND_BROADCAST" CheckBox: permits sending selected message to ALL main
- "Show Hung" CheckBox: checks for hung windows - CURRENTLY DISABLED
- "Spy" button: spies incoming messages to selected window - CURRENTLY
- Edit box below: used for entering or receiving text when sending messages
such as WM_GETTEXT or WM_SETTEXT, disabled otherwise
- "Print..." button: prints list of windows in TreeView
- Apply button: refresh displayed information